Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Still Pushing Forward

Well, things continue to rock on here in "our" world. We keep making calls, keep digging and talking to people, and seeking assistance! The MDOC and CMCF never cease to amaze me with the policy of how they do things. Depending on what day you call and who you talk to determines the policy. And talk about passing the buck. I've gotten more responses to e-mails of "I'm passing this to...."; no one at that facility wants to do their job or anyone else's job; no one wants to hold those responsible (and I use that term loosely) accountable for doing their job. And yes, that is our tax dollars hard at work.

Information continues to emerge about Drs. Hayne and West. Sometimes I feel like I'm walking around in a haze of shock because I can't believe that this is really happening. Yet, I wake up each day and realize it is all very real. It is very real for Thalia, her 3 children, her friends, her family. And it is very real for so many other people who are wrongly convicted. Not only that, but even those who are serving time for crimes they committed, it is very real. The injustice of our so called "justice being served" is very real. The families that are impacted and the lack of concern for those families by our state and state employees is very real. The dis-respect shown to citizens of this state by employees paid by our tax dollars is very real. Again, it is all very shocking to me; my eyes are wide open now and sometimes I wish they weren't.

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